• Class of 2010

  • Roots of GU experience: Davis Center (on/offstage) & Nomadic Theatre
  • What are some professional highlights? I’m an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Brown University where I founded a machine learning research group. Before that, I got my Computer science PhD at University of Maryland and conducted research at Stanford and Google.
  • What’s the Davis Center’s lasting impact on your current values and work? Teams of students and faculty working together to make discoveries and communicate are essential to my work. I learned so much about those processes in the Davis Center, especially working on the Lysistrata production with guest artists, Synetic Theater.
  • What is your wish for Georgetown’s Davis Center’s next 15 years? I wish it continues to serve and teach students who are not TPST majors nor go on to work professionally in theater. Despite pursuing a career that has no direct connection to theater, my experiences with theater at Georgetown have had a profound effect on my life.