Two actors on a large play stage.
Betsy Helmer (C’13), Marina Young (C’13), and Jeremy Guyton (C’12) as the Three Witches on the set of MacBeth, in an ensemble staging directed by Prof. Maya E. Roth, with scenic design by Prof. Natsu Onoda Power, stage managed by Joey Blakley (C’14); this co-production with M&B was featured in the 2011-2012 season, Nature’s Mirror.

Our alumni are our legacy

Meet our alumni community of globetrottersartistsfounderseducatorswriterscollaboratorsscholarsactorsinnovatorsactivistsglobetrottersartists

The Davis Center’s multifaceted community members bring varied academic interests, degrees and professional ambitions. Our alumni came of age in one of America’s most unique research, learning and social engagement labs —the Davis Center— working side by side with each other, faculty, guest artists, and alumni.

Part of our 2021-22 Home season, this website combines insights from over 200 alumni survey responses and anecdotes from Alumni salons, creating a cross-sectional view of this community.

Alumni attest that the first 15 years of the Davis Center encouraged students to have an expansive vision for who they can be as artists and as people.

Our alumni influence stages and boardrooms, classrooms and crisis zones around the world. Today, we’re so excited to share our community’s stories with you.

The culmination of an 18-month project, this web experience was created by Andrew Dolan (COL ‘10), Maya E. Roth, founding Artistic Director of the Davis Center, and Derek Goldman, Chair of the Department of Performing Arts with Community Engagement Manager Vanessa Gilbert and DC-based Graphic Designer Marcela Morales.

The Alumni Spotlights are a primary feature of this project and will rotate periodically to share ever more from this group, and our alumni data will be refreshed.

Photo of Devika Ranjan
Cross-Cultural & Global

Devika Ranjan

Director, Ethnographer & Educator

Photo of Elise Lemle
Interdisciplinary & Intersectional

Elise Lemle

Experience Designer

Alumni that want to share updates and experiences can do so here.

Meet a sampling of our alumni here. Check back for future updates.